Group of geotechnologies in soil science

Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture

- University of São Paulo

Brazilian Soil Spectral Service

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Descriptive analysis of spectral curves for soil classification and influence of some attributes

Having in hands spectral curves of a horizon of a ground profile of your interest, the user can, for example, request in BraSpecS to show the spectral curves, horizon by horizon, of a Latossolo (Note: see the item "Acquisition Geometry", in the BSSL tab of the page for standardization of the acquisition of your spectral data). Or you can be more restrictive and filter to show the spectral curves of a clay textured Latosol, or a red clayey Latosol and so on. With this you will be able to compare your own spectra with what is presented by BraSpecS. The system also allows downloading the data in figure format. This form analysis of the spectral behavior of a soil sample is called qualitative analysis. More details on how to characterize, interpret and classify spectral curves of soils can be found in the following scientific papers: Demattê et al., 2014; Bellinaso, 2009; Demattê, 2002; Formaggio et al. 1996, Stoner e Baumgardner, 1981.